Healthy by Design
The importance of healthy urban planning
With the ever-increasing population and density in cities worldwide, IFHP finds it of uttermost importance that the design of our cities is focused on how to create a healthy liveable life.
Photo by Romina Amato/Red Bull Content Pool, Wonderful Copenhagen
Photo by Form on Unsplash
As an estimated billion new homes are needed worldwide by 2025, cities are both going to expand their territory, but an increase in the density of citizens living close together in cities are also to be expected.
IFHP has always had focus on promoting a healthy lifestyle among urban citizens worldwide, as a part of our mission of more liveable cities for all. But new circumstances have put more pressure on the need of healthy initiatives.
Especially in the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic, urban planners worldwide will be forced to rethink and restructure the cities in which many of us live our daily lives, to prevent further spreading of the virus.
There is no official IFHP project ongoing on the matter of healthy urban planning, but it is our clear intention to put more focus on the field we have chosen to call ‘Healthy by Design’ already this year. We have posted an article on the matter by Lars Münter, Head of International Projects at the Danish Committee for Health Education, and Administrative Director of the Danish Council for Better Hygiene. You can read his thought about the new tasks for urban planning and design in relation to both the virus and in general here.
Beside the article from Münter, IFHP has also brought articles and blogs continuously through the last couple of months of coronavirus and we will continue to keep you updated on what is going on in the field of urban planning in relation to the pandemic.
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