Statement on Covid-19 Pandemic from Habitat Professionals Forum
Photo by Michael Walter on Unsplash
Habitat Professionals Forum (HPF) is deeply concerned by the growing impacts and unintended social and economic consequences of COVID-19 pandemic crisis, which has revealed the fragility of urban and territorial systems and of our capacity for their management.
The HPF is part of UN-Habitat partners’ architecture and was founded in 1999 as an interdisciplinary partnership of human settlement professionals and UN-Habitat to promote sustainable urbanization and equitable human settlements development.
On 28th May 2020, the HPF released an official statement on the COVID-19 Pandemic, highlighting key areas for professionals to respond to, and pledging to develop a roadmap to support UN-Habitat’s Covid-19 Response Plan and COVID-19 Campaign “Take Action with Us in Cities and Communities”. In solidarity, IFHP and fellow HPF members support all professionals globally to participate, contribute to and engage with all the initiatives taken by professional organizations seeking solutions for the pandemic crisis.
Read the full statement here.