IFHP Ordinary Council Meeting 9 September 2020
Photo by Chris Montgomery on Unsplash
In accordance with the IFHP Articles of Association No. 13, the IFHP President would like to announce the 2020 IFHP Ordinary Council Meeting and call the Council to convene, this year online as a consequence of the Covid-19 pandemic. The convening will be on Wednesday 9 September 2020 from 3:00 to 6:00 pm CET. A Teams link will be sent out by e-mail to each council member latest 9 July 2020.
In conjunction with the convening via the digital platform for the Ordinary Council Meeting on 9 September 2020, herewith the call for noticfication of candidates to the Board. Notification must be given by email or in writing to IFHP no later than 9 August 2020.
Proposals to be included in the agenda of the Council Meeting may be submitted by each member of the Council, and they must be notified by email or in writing to IFHP no later than 9 August 2020.
Agenda and supporting documentation for the 2020 IFHP Ordinary Council Meeting will be sent out no later than 30 August 2020.
In case vote carrying council members are not able to attend, kindly fill in the proxy form attached to the mail.
If a council member does not receive a link by mail latest 9 July 2020, kindly contact the secretariat.
For information about the annual Ordinary Council Meeting, kindly contact Deputy CEO and Head of Secretariat Ms. Nina Steensen (n.steensen@ifhp.org) or CEO Mr. Morten Nielsen (m.nielsen@ifhp.org).
We hope many of you will be able to attend and look very much forward to seeing you - although digitally!